Welcome to our Niche Zero Owners group on Facebook. We pride ourselves on being family - friendly, knowledgeable and supportive. Our mission is to help all Niche owners be successful in the use of our grinders. While English is the go-to language of our group, we are an international group. Therefore, all languages are welcome.
1.1-Welcome message (Admins)
1.2-Group rules (Admins)
1.3-Prepurchase (Admins)
1.4-Read before posting (compilation)
2.1-Group rules (Admins)
3.1-Frequently asked questions (compilation)
3.2-RDT-Ross Droplet Technique (Alt.Coffee)
3.3-WDT-Weiss Distribution Technique (Barista Hustle)
4.1-Recommended FB groups (Admins)
4.2-Recommended add-on vendors (coming soon)
5.1-Group file (coming soon)
6.1-Dave Corbey review - PDF (Corbey)
6.2-James Hoffmann review - YouTube (Hoffmann)
6.3-James Hoffmann review: One Year Later - YouTube (Hoffmann)
6.4-Sprometheus review - YouTube (Sprometheus
6.5-Kyle Rowsell review - YouTube (Rowsell)
6.6-Kyle Rowsell: Eureka Mignon Specialita vs The Niche Zero - YouTube (Rowsell)
7.1-Cleaning (Niche Coffee)
7.2-Calibrating (Niche Coffee)
8.1-NFC Disc (Niche Coffee)
8.2-New grind cup (Niche Coffee)
8.3-Bellows (coming soon)
8.4-Dosing cups / tall funnels (coming soon)
8.5-Custom bases (compilation)
8.6-Custom finishes (compilation)
8.7-Custom wood (compilation)
8.8-Steam punk (coming soon)
9.1-Lance Hedrick - YouTube (Hedrick)
9.2-Lance Hedrick/Exhaustive - YouTube (Hedrick)
9.3-Sunergos Coffee - YouTube (Sunergos)
9.4-Arthur Yang/Bplus/Demonstration 1 - YouTube (Yang)
9.5-Arthur Yang/Bplus/Demonstration 2 - YouTube (Yang)
10.1-Website (Niche Coffee)
10.2-Official email - hello@nichecoffee.co.uk (Niche Coffee)
10.3-Facebook page (Niche Coffee)
10.4-Twitter (Niche Coffee)
10.5-Instagram (Niche Coffee)
10.6-YouTube channel (Niche Coffee)
10.7-Father-Son Team Talks About Brewing Up a Crowdfunding Campaign Together (Indiegogo)
10.8-An Interview With Niche (Commonly Coffee)
11.1-Coffee Forums UK (Forum)
11.2-Home-Barista Forums (Forum)
11.3-Kaffee-Netz (Germany) (Forum)
12.1-Sales (Admins)
12.2-Manual (Niche Coffee)
12.3-Glossary of terms (coming soon)
12.4-Admins & mods (Admins)
12.5-Legal (Admins)
*You need to be a member of our Facebook group and logged into FB to view FB posts & group files. Join here: Niche Zero Owners Facebook Group
Created 14-Apr-2021 | updated 22-Aug-2021 | BCP